Saturday 20 August 2011

I’ll never stop being ur friend

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 1:01 PM, mc090407280 Nazar Bin Taj <> wrote:
v v v nice dear

On 10/30/10, "*"Emaan"*" <> wrote:
> *You don't always show it,
> but I know that u care.
> If I'd ever need u,
> I know u would be there.*
> *You I'm glad u're my friend.
> Your smile makes me smile.
> Your pain makes me hurt.*
> *I want u to know:
> If u ever need me…I'm always there.
> to make u happy,
> to make u laugh.
> Your My Friend
> Sometimes you make me mad,
> but I can't stay mad.
> Sometimes I want to get away from u.
> And sometimez there's nothing I want more than:*
> *to talk to u,
> to tell u about my day,
> to hear about urs,
> to laugh with u,
> to tease u,
> to share an inside joke,
> that no one else would get,
> to argue with u,
> but know we're just kidding…*
> *Do u remember the tym when…?
> There r so many tym.*
> *Don't ever lose the wonderful
> person u r;
> Stay happy.
> Stay healthy.
> Stay you !*
> *I'll never stOp being ur friend.
> And I Hope u..
> Don't ever stop beinG mine.*
> *You My friend..
> Don't ever say who Carez,
> Just wanted to tell u............*
> *
> *
> --
> *""satisfy da person who expects 4m U...
> rather dn surprzng da person who nvr expctd anythng 4m U...!!!!**
>                                      " EmaaN"
> *
> --
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