Sunday 29 December 2013

zakat letter

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From: "tushar.allmail" <>
Date: Aug 27, 2013 12:52 AM
Subject: █▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ zakat letter

Muhammadia Jamia Shareef

Madrasa and Yateemkhana (Orphanage)

(Separte Boys and Girls Section)

5, Outer Circular Road, Rajarbagh Shareef,

Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.



Assalaamu 'Alaikum Wa  Raw'hmatullah,



One must judge where his Zakat money is being provided. Zakat shall not be valid if it is given to the madrassa of the jamati, khwariji, ohabi, terrorist and fundamentalists, those religion-mongers. These days, most of the madrassa are the breeding places of jamati, khwariji and ohabi concepts and of producing terrorists. These are virtually projects of gaining democratic political interests and dominance; schools of doing politics of 'elections and voting' in the name of Islam, which are totally prohibited in Islam.


 Donating Zakat to the madrassa of the jamati, ohabi terrorists would amount to promoting and expanding ill-practices and evil concepts; will help producing terrorists, jamatis and religion-mongers, which would lead to earn millions of kabeerah sins.


 It is the Instructions of Allah  Pak not to donate Zakat to the madrassa of the religion-mongers. And also the Instructions and reasons of satisfaction of Habeeb of Allah Pak, Huzur Pak SwallAllahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam. Allah Pak Dictates in Qur'an Shareef, "Assist not each other in sinful acts". Habeebullah, Huzur Pak SwallAllahu  'Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictates, "Anyone initiating an evil act and all those participating in it, the sum-total of the sins shall fall on that person who initiated".  In another Hadee's Shareef, it says, "If a sinful act is initiated in the eastern corner of the earth and someone supports it in the western, he shall be considered an equal sinner."


 It is learnt from the news papers that jamatis, khwarijis earn millions for Zakat through the madrassa under their controls and this money they spend for their ill acts and evil concepts and in promoting terrorism and religion-mongering.


 Many people donate Zakat for the purpose of political gains or for retaining power or position. For that, their Niah (intention) shall not be deemed right and that their Zakat shall also not be considered as paid.

Allah Pak Dictates the different 'heads' for donating Zakat in Sura Tawbah, Ayat Shareef 60. Allah Pak Says,  " As-Sadaqat (here it means Zakat) are only for the Fuqara' (poor), and Al-Masakin (the poor whose expenditures are more than his income) and those employed to collect (the funds); and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam, the newly converts); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allah Pak's Cause (i.e. for Mujahidun - those fighting in the Jihad), and for the wayfarer (a traveler who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allah Pak. And Allah Pak is All-Knower, All-Wise".


Afzalul Awliaa, Qwaiyum-e-Awal, Hajrat Mujaddide Alfe Sani Rwa'hmatullahi Alaihi Remarked, "Zakat and Fitra and all such donations to be made to the poor orphan students of a Haq (true) Madrassa, that would facilitate their education on Ilm-e-Deen which will be million times greater in value."

That is why it is needless to mention that the best place for donating Zakat is Muhammadia Jamia Shareef Madrassa and Yatimkhana (orphanage). The unique specialties of this institute are that it is only here that learning Ilm-e-Tasawuf alongside Ilm-e-Fiqh has been made compulsory, learning which is mandatory for all Muslim man and woman.  Education for boys and girls has been arranged here under strictest pardah (Hijab) system. The teachers, staff and learners of the boys' section are all males while the teachers, staff and learners of the girls' section are all females.

Learners in this institution are never involved with any haraam and anti-Islamic activities like fundamentalism, terrorism, bombings, strikes, long march, burning out of effigies etc. nor are they involved with any such group or organization. Rather the everyday life of the students here, from head to toe, are decorated with full of Sunnah activities. Overall this institute is of the belief of Ahle Sunnah wal Jam'at.  Lessons are imparted on the basis of Qur'an Shareef, Hadis Shareef, Izma and Qiyaas with a view to establishing the morals of Rwasoolullah SwallAllahu  'Alaihi Wa Sallam in real life and make efforts to earn the satisfaction of Allah Pak and His Habeeb Huzur Pak SwallAllahu  'Alaihi Wa Sallam through actual essence of Islam.


 In this institute, besides the well offs, an orphanage and Lillah Boarding has been set up to impart lessons to the humble learners. Therefore, donating your Zakat, Ushar, Fitrah, Kaffarah, Ma'anat or others and hides from the Qurbani or their (money) equivalents to this institute could be of better reasons of blessings and benefits and true Sadaqa-e-Jariah.




You may visit the site for details information about zakat:








Send Your Zakat to


Account no-1


Muhammadia Jamia Shareef,

Account no- 1008514711001,

IFIC Bank Limited,

Naya Paltan Branch,

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Swift Code: IFICBDDH


Account no-2


Muhammadia Jamia Shareef,

Account no -2000007569,

Sonali Bank Limited,

Malibag Branch,

Dhaka, Bangladesh



please contact us:


phone: +88029338787, +88028333634, +88028332784, +88028333135


Mobile: +8801720014686, +8801711264694, +8801712648453, +8801711238447, +8801711178661,+8801712004293,+8801711272782,+8801711076346, +8801746121293, +8801713001183








پاکستان کسی بھی پاکستانی کے لئے اللہ کی سب سے بڑی نعمتوں میں سے ایک ہے. آج ہم جو بھی ہے یہ سب اس وجہ پاکستان کی ہے ، دوسری صورت میں ، ہم کچھ بھی نہیں ہوتا. براہ مہربانی پاکستان کے لئے مخلص ہو.
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