Sunday 29 December 2013

US Deploys Nukes for War

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From: "chaudry" <>
Date: Sep 9, 2013 12:08 AM
Subject: █▓▒░(°TaNoLi°)░▒▓█ US Deploys Nukes for War
To: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "sadia elter" <>, "" <>, "" <>

Saturday, September 7th, 2013 | Posted by 

"Solid evidence from within the intelligence community confirms that the US, Britain and France knew of the August 21 Sarin attacks in advance. More evidence, including intercepted emails, show that top Pentagon intelligence officials were actively involved in planning the attacks."

Few are aware, but the United States and Russia are on "high nuclear alert" since the "missile training" incident in the Mediterranean.
With the imminent threat of nuclear war and a preliminary decision by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to support, not just a missile campaign, but act directly in support of al-Qaeda forces inside Syria, a significant number of military leaders have lost all faith in their command structure.
Strangely, moves against pro-democratic forces in the military were actually made prior to what has been the most drastic turnaround in US policy since 9/11.
Solid evidence from within the intelligence community confirms that the US, Britain and France knew of the August 21 Sarin attacks in advance. More evidence, including intercepted emails, show that top Pentagon intelligence officials were actively involved in planning the attacks.
Israel's July submarine attack, one mirrored this week as a "test," was intended to disable Syria's advanced P800 Yahont anti-ship missiles, capable of destroying America's guided missile destroyers.
This is far from the only curious coincidence.
America hides its nuke arsenal
There is clear evidence that the US moved and restructured major nuclear commands predicting both the nuclear confrontation we see with Russia over Syria and a possible mutiny within US forces.
This was done before the Syrian gassing incident, evidence that a "retaliatory" missile attack on Syria was planned before there was anything to retaliate against.
We have seen two nuclear bomber wings relocated and put directly under White House command. Over 2000 nuclear weapons have been illegally moved, stored now in an old submarine base.
One wing of B2 bombers has actually "gone missing." No one knows where they are. As Jim W. Dean so often says, "You just can't make things like this up."
Sarin through Turkey
This week, investigative journalists from Press TV, were able to trace shipments of Sarin gas moving through Turkey into Syria.
Local officials from Hatay Province in Turkey were interviewed and confirmed that their border crossings were used as transit points. They also pointed out that they had been inundated with Mossad, CIA and other western intelligence agencies.
Our contacts within the region have told us that local rental prices for luxury properties have doubled as intelligence agencies, mercenary companies (one running the Internet's largest search engine) and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) supposedly providing aid to refugees are "spending money like water."
Press TV cites the use of ambulances and emergency supply vehicles in the transit of poison gas and other weapons.
Pentagon "caught" running gas attacks
Top Pentagon officials in unclassified emails actually bragged about planning and executing the August 1, 2013 Syrian attack which is said to have killed 1400.
Redacted excerpts from these documents supplied by sources in Russia:
Following this exchange, broad detailed discussions followed on how these operations were listed in the Congressional Justifications Book (CJB). The military did not act alone.
A read of the unredacted, openly available on the Internet, version of these emails can only lead to one conclusion. Noting the source, at the highest levels of Army Intelligence, these represent an admission of an official operation using both contractors and Army personnel in planning and executing what is more than simply a war crime but high treason.
These emails and hundreds more have been totally censored from all news reports. We have confirmed the identities of those listed, their positions and have on staff people who have worked with them for years.
Syria's side
Syria has its own collection of leaked documents. In January 2013, documents from Britain Defense, specifically from their Business Development Manager, David Goulding (, outlined plans made in concert with the government of Qatar to launch false-flag chemical attacks and blame them on the Syrian government.
This is the text of the email, dated Christmas Day, 2012. It and thousands of others have been cleansed from the Internet and every attempt has been made to discredit them:
Goulding was communicating with Britam founder Phillip Leonard Doughty. (DOB 13 Aug 1953)
There is no proof Britam accepted the deal but, in light of recent events, those who claim the idea is a conspiracy theory must accept the fact that over 200 members of the US Congress believe the same thing.
America steeped in fear
Never have Americans been as afraid of nuclear annihilation at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Over 200 members of Congress acknowledge that our own government has been involved in false-flag terrorism. Even radio personalities from the extreme right now openly admit that we are supporting al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.
We wonder if they might move the clock back a bit and take another look at 9/11.
As things now sit, America's nuclear capability is in question. Weapons have been moved without authorization and a fleet of bombers has disappeared, probably to an overseas location.
Never has America had poorer intelligence than it has today. All information used regarding Syria is 2nd and 3rd tier intercepts or downloaded off the Internet.
Secretary of State Kerry has been distributing one "victim" photo that has been verified as having been taken in 1993.
President Obama's promises to the American people are false. America has active plans to land troops in Syria.
Russia will not allow it. America and Israel depend on the "Samson Option," a nuclear attack on Iran in order to save Israel from massive retaliation. However, Russia has offered to extend an air defense umbrella over that nation that would render any Israeli attack harmless.
Tel Aviv would be a smoldering ruin in hours. The Iron Dome would be overwhelmed quickly.
Who benefits, who is doing this? When the Project for a New American Century arranged for the 2000 coup d'état and the 9/11 attacks, we knew they had put a plan in motion for America to destroy seven nations.
It is now clear that the "New American Century" was never intended to include America.

پاکستان کسی بھی پاکستانی کے لئے اللہ کی سب سے بڑی نعمتوں میں سے ایک ہے. آج ہم جو بھی ہے یہ سب اس وجہ پاکستان کی ہے ، دوسری صورت میں ، ہم کچھ بھی نہیں ہوتا. براہ مہربانی پاکستان کے لئے مخلص ہو.
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