Saturday 1 June 2013


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 8:43 AM, <> wrote:
The second dream after that of Allma Iqbal.
*** This Message Has Been Sent Using BlackBerry Internet Service from Mobilink ***

From: Briglatif <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 08:55:21 +0500

Good dream......!

Sent from my iPad

On 24-May-2013, at 12:50 PM, Ibrahim Lucky <> wrote:


On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Shoaib Habib Memon <> wrote:


My Friend Shujah Explained his Idea For Betterment Pakistan When
Listened  I Saw in My Dream that ,

- The system of Direct Taxation shall be abolished for all those who
earn below Rupees Billion a year in order to attract a massive inflow
of Local as well as Foreign Investment to trigger Industrial Boom for
a resultant Economic Boom with much higher GDP offering abundant
Employment Opportunities.

- Most Governmental Services shall be Outsourced and / or Franchised
with Government Public Partnership on Self Sustainable pattern to
lessen the burden on the Government and the State with resultant
improved, efficient and modernized services availability, with both
Men and Women, Human Resource Development, Deployment and Skills

- Indirect Taxation / GST etc shall be fixed at a maximum of 5%. All
Products and Services relating to Food, Clothing, Health, Education,
Public Transport, Housing and Legal support shall be totally Tax Free.
However Taxes on Imports shall continue to be applicable.

- Energy, Banking, Education, Medicine, Insurance, Communication,
Transport and related areas shall be publicly owned with individual's
shares holding not to exceed 1 % allowing active participation of
professionals in the field and accelerating good performance.

- Through an OIC Resolution the Oil Prices shall be fixed for the next
5 years at a maximum of US Dollar 25 per Barrel with supply to each
OIC Country to match it's population factor vs. it's needs in order to
buy peace and eradicate poverty in these down trodden Countries. To
reciprocate Economic Advantages shall be offered in and by Importing
Countries to the Exporting Countries in Exports -Imports and
Investments. The oil producing Countries will endure a little short
fall of not that needed revenue but Billions of people of the World
will gain and flourish economically and socially. More over Sovereign
Funds of the Gulf Countries are better secured when invested in OIC
Countries in Industry and Commerce relating to basic needs of Water,
Food , Housing, Education and Health Projects in JV arrangements with
renowned and credible local Business Groups.

- Consequently Prices of all essential items of Food, Medicine, Fuel,
Utilities and many other Goods and Services shall be reduced to, more
or less, half of current levels.

- Armed Forces, including those on pension / retired, in return for a
better remuneration and reward, shall be utilized for Construction of
Dams, Roads, Rail-roads, Housing, Hospitals, Universities, Colleges,
Schools, Sports Complexes, Industrial Estates and other Civil

- Stories of Religious Extremism, Terrorism, Talibanism, and Excesses
of IMF and Drone Attacks shall be made History. None of that
nonsensecosting Billions of Rupees and precious lives, shall be
allowed to persist.

- An emergency shall be declared, to avoid losses of Trillions in
Production, in Energy sector with mobilization of Nuclear, Solar,
Wind, Hydro, Biomass and Coal Power Generation to brighten our
homeland and to move the wheels of our Industry and Commerce
simultaneously offering massive Employment Opportunities.

- The size and numbers of the Federal and Provincial Governments,
Ministries, Parliaments, Assemblies and Senate shall be kept at
minimal and the Expenditures shall be reduced drastically making use
of e-Government Techniques and Teleconferencing facilities.

- The Country shall be geographically re-classified, more or less,
into Ten Provinces, with equal population as far as possible, with own
independent Parliaments and Cabinets with Equitable Distribution of
National Resources.

- A Reckoning shall be Undertaken of Country's Strengths and Resources
, both Material as well as Human, of Strategic Position and Potentials
and then, as far as considered feasible, the Cities shall be Developed
according to Products Classifications such as Shoes City, Furniture
City, Textile City, Handicrafts City etc… with a Network of Vendors
Support, for Competitiveness in Export Markets and to Make those
Affordable for the Domestic Population simultaneously Catering to
Skill Development and Economies of Large Scale Production with Needed
Study and Adoption of Success Models The World Over with privatization
of TDAP and TCP.

- Elections shall be held Non Party based so that the Governments, the
Cabinets, the Parliaments and the institutions do not become rubber
stamps of the Political Party Heads, allowing only those Noble and
Competent to contest Elections who can afford to work with No Salary,
Perks and / or any Fringe Benefits.

- The Governors for the Provinces shall be selected by respective
Parliaments and approved by the Senate. The President, The Prime
Minister, The Deputy Prime Minister, The Chief Ministers, all to be
elected from amongst the Elected Parliamentarians.

- All Black and Not Documented Money including the Looted Money shall
be legalized without any penalty or taxation and with no questioning
for bringing back into the Country.

- All Publicly / Government owned Entities and Utility companies shall
be re-structured financially and organizationally with Business
re-engineering to turn those into self supporting entities.

- Support shall be mobilized for Writing off of all the Foreign Debt
and an end to Debt servicing with a restrain on fresh Government

- Banks, as far as considered appropriate, shall be transformed into
Investment Companies owned and operated by Depositors and Account
Holders for funding the Economy as Equity with just very little and
essential Lending and Consumer Financing.

- A Triggering of Construction Boom shall be facilitated with an aim
to create Employment, Build Hospitals, Educational Institutes, and
Affordable Housing etc. Real estate construction and trading shall be
regulated so as to bring the prices and rents down and accessible and
affordable to the majority of the population on easy terms and to
encourage investments with change in rent laws and real estate leasing
similar to other assets leasing, allowing facilities of Asset Leasing
to Pakistanis including those working and living abroad.

- A Ban shall be imposed on imports of Non-essential and unproductive
articles including Diamonds, Gold, Ornaments, Toiletries, Cosmetics,
Garments, Textiles, Arms and Ammunitions etc.

- 100 % compulsory and concessionary Primary Education shall be
legislated with all educational institutions to work 20 Hours a Day
and 6 Days a Week. The Students of Higher Classes shall be required to
teach those in junior classes in order to cope up with the greater
need of Teaching Faculty with emphasis on Women and Mothers Teachers
Training Institutes.

- 100% Employment shall be legislated with a total ban on Beggary,
with enabling environment and compelling circumstances to make it
necessary and mandatory for everyone to work for living and be able to
play a positive and constructive role in the society thereby being
allowed to turn into a resource rather than a liability.

- Jails, Orphanages and Madrassahs shall continue to play their
coveted roles but at the same time shall be transformed into
Industrial Homes as well.

- All court cases shall be decided in 20 weeks time. Dates shall be
fixed not for attendance but for real hearing to make it time and cost
effective and result oriented.

- With freeing of all prisoners of minor crimes and all those who are
lingering in jails without trials thru a judicial process.

- The Institution of Justice shall be over-overwhelmingly reorganized
to concentrate on Alternate Dispute Resolution concept with lawyers to
be restricted to charging fixed rates of fees definitely not all of it
in advance but half of it after the settlement of disputes / cases.

- The appointments of judges shall continue to be proposed by the
President in consultations of Supreme Judicial councils but the Senate
should approve those appointments after open scrutiny in front of the
Press and the Electronic Media directly relayed live on TV screens,
starting the process of such scrutiny with the current Judiciary.

- The Supreme Judicial Council shall be constituted from amongst the
living retired Chief Justices of Superior Courts.

- All documentation of Marriages, Businesses, Properties, Rentals,
Inheritances and Services Agreements and all other written
arrangements shall be done in Courts so as to make it judicious,
comprehensive, duly registered and to avoid unnecessary future

- Corruption is the core issue, incompetence is the outcome causing
all the lawlessness, chaos and economic sufferings. Death Penalty
shall be legislated for all future Financial Corruption and Nepotism.

-All Arms Licenses shall be cancelled to facilitate De-weaponising the
Country and by calling back all arms and ammunitions from Police,
Rangers, Security personnel and with all the Public. Death Penalty
shall be legislated for possession and use of Arms and Ammunition in
the future.

- Inter provincial and inter sects marriages shall be encouraged to
help recreate healthier Nation, build national coherence and to
embrace religious harmony and reduce problems related to ethnicity and

- Thus giving an enabling environment to common men and women to live
in Peace, Security, Honour and Dignity while keeping themselves busy
in bread earning engagements in productive / constructive activities,
all with commercial viability and making all that rewarding for the
investors and the team players.

 Contact;Shoaib Habib Memon Cell.0314 2090252

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