On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Iqbal Shaikh <shaikh.iqbal9999@yahoo.com> wrote:
Aqeedah 6Allah Ta'ala is Omni-potent. He is free from being forced or coerced (into doing any act).Allah Ta'ala is Omni-potent. He is free from being forced or coerced (into doing any act). Imaam Rabbaanihas mentioned that the philosophers, due to their stupidity and ignorance, have understood the need for consent and to be forced as a sign of perfection and have negated the intervention of Allah Ta'ala (in the creation of things) - These idiots have taken the Ever-Existent to be useless and ineffectual. They have attributed the creation of things to something other than Allah Ta'ala, which is merely a figment of their imagination. They have no relation to the Being of Allah-Ta'ala. Hence at the time of difficulty and adversities, these ignoramuses should seek refuge in their imaginary creator, and not turn to Allah Ta'ala. They have not linked and related the first creation of the universe to Allah Ta'ala.
According to them, Allah Ta'ala does not have a choice in actions; in fact, they believe Him to be subservient to asking for consent and force. They believe that HE does not have the ability to ward off calamities; hence, their asking Him for help would be futile and of no benefit.
These deviant groups (philosophers) belie, deny, mock and scoff at the Divine revelations.
When the message of the Nabuwwat of Hadhrat Isaareached Plato, who was the leader of the philosophers, he commented:
"We are a nation that is guided; we have no need for a guide (or teacher)."
This idiot should have gone and met Hadhrat Isaaand witnessed first-hand how he (with the Order of Allah Ta'ala) used to make the dead alive, cure the born blind and lepers. Plato made this statement without any investigations into the personality of Hadhrat Isaa
. This proves
his pride and arrogance.__._,_.___
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