Saturday 1 March 2014

Desire To Be Known Only To Allah ..........

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From: Rubina Yasmeen <>
Date: Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:02 PM
Subject: [Meri] .......... Desire To Be Known Only To Allah ..........


In The Name Of ALLAH Most Gracious And Most Mercifull. 
The Prophet (PBUH) Said
" Pass On Knowledge From Me Even if it is Only One Verse "
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'Ala Rasulillah
Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Desire To Be Known Only To Allah
The Messenger Of Allah ( Salallahu Alaihi Wassallam) Said :
“ Whoever Acts To Be Heard And Seen,
God Will Cause His Falsity To Be Heard And Seen.”
[ Bukhari ]

A Person Who Had Been Astray Deep in Evil Was Delivered To The Right Path By The Grace Of Almighty Allah. He Attached Himself To The Circle Of An Alim. He Was Totally Changed And Repented Sincerely For His Sins. However, Some Of Those People Who Search For Other’s Faults Rumoured, “ Don’t Fall For Him, He Pretends To Have Changed. We Know Him Well, He Hasn’t Changed.”

The Poor Man Was Very Depressed By The Rumours. One Day He Couldn’t Take it Anymore And Complained To His Teacher. The Teacher Was Very Moved And Wept Profusely. The Penitent Man Was Unable To Make Sense Of His Teacher’s Tears. Then His Teacher Spoke, “ How Fortunate You Are ! You Are A Better Person Than Others Think You Are.”

It is Better To Be Known As Sinful Although You Are A Saint Than To Be Known As A Saint Despite Being Sinful.
Abu Umar Was Once Asked About Sincerity, And Replied, “ It is Present When One Wishes To Be Praised for something only by Allah.” [The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith by Al-Bayhaqi]
The Kings Diet
The Messenger Of Allah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Said :
“ The Son Of Adam Does Not Fill Any Vessel Worse Than His Stomach. It is Sufficient For The Son Of Adam
To Eat A Few Morsels To Keep Him Alive.
If He Must Fill it, Then One-Third For His Food,
One-Third For His Drink, And One-Third For Air.”
 [ Tirmidhi ]

Once A King Asked A Doctor,
“ How Much Should I Eat ? ” 
The Doctor Said,
 “ As Little As The Weight Of One Hundred Coins A Day. ” 
The King Queried,
“ What Strength Would This Little Quantity Give Me ? ”
 The Physician Replied,
“ This Quantity Will Support And Carry You.
If You Eat More You Will Have To Support And Carry it.
Eat To Live, Don’t Live To Eat. ”

Sufyaan Al-Thawri Said,
“ If You Want Your Body To Be Healthy
And To Sleep Less, Then Eat Less.”

Eating Too Much Also Makes The Heart Hard And Heedless Of Allah. Imam Ahmad Was Asked,
“ Does A Man Find Any Softness And Humility
in His Heart When He is Full ?”
 He Replied,
“ I Do Not Think So.”
 And That is Why The Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) And His Companions Used To Go Hungry Quite Frequently,
Even in The Presence Of Abundant Food.

Rember Me In UR Dua
Mrs Rubina Yasmeen
Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
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