Saturday 8 February 2014

Prayer for Rain, by the Muslim Community of the Greater Bay Area - Feb 1, 2014 - Pleasanton Fair Grounds

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From: Irfan Rydhan <>
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 8:43 AM
Subject: [] : Prayer for Rain, by the Muslim Community of the Greater Bay Area - Feb 1, 2014 - Pleasanton Fair Grounds
To: SBIA Media Group <>
Cc: Muslims HipHop <>



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Preparing for the Rain Prayer

 Saturday!  February 1 | 1:30pm | Pleasanton Fair Grounds: 4501 Pleasanton Ave, Pleasanton

As-Salaam Alaikum,
A group of concerned Muslims in the Bay area is calling for our community to undertake the Rain Prayer to appeal to Allah for breaking the drought which has afflicted our region, state and the western part of the United States in general. We have reserved the Pleasanton Fair GroundsSaturday, February 1, 2014, for the prayer, commencing at 1:30pm.

We do not feel we can be successful without the full participation of all of the communities in the Bay area. Hence, your support is critical. In order to encourage the success of the prayer, there are very important traditions, as you know, which we are asking you to encourage the members of your community to undertake.
  1. Encourage all members of your community, who are able to do so to fast on ThursdayFriday and on the day of the prayer, Saturday.
  2. Encourage all members of your community to make Istighfaar (seeking Allah's forgiveness), with the simple formula Astaghfirullah for the duration of the three days of the fast.
  3. Order all members of your community to return any property they have stolen, usurped or misappropriated from anyone, immediately.
  4. Encourage all members of your community to forgive anyone who has wronged them and to seek forgiveness from anyone they have wronged.
  5. Give Sadaqah
  6. Encourage your community members to come to the prayer in their work clothes, do not wear any ceremonial or fancy clothing, unlike the Jumu'ah or the Eid. We should manifest our poverty and dire need for Allah and His blessings. The Imams should wear there religious garments.

These are some of the Sunnas of the Rain Prayer which we should highly respect. Ultimately, it is Allah who brings all success, however, there are means which He has instructed us to take. We will try to do our part and we trust in Allah that He will bless us with rain.

Please share this information on your mailers, Facebook pages and Tweets during the course of this week


Bay Area Rain Prayer Committee

Dua for Rain
"O Allah, send upon us helpful, wholesome and healthy rain, beneficial not harmful rain, now, not later."

اللّهُمَّ اسْقِـنا غَيْـثاً مُغيـثاً مَريئاً مُريـعاً، نافِعـاً غَيْـرَ ضار، عاجِـلاً غَـيْرَ آجِل

Allâhumma sqinâ ghaytan mughîthan, marî'an, murîcan, nâfican ghayra dârrin,câjilan ghayra âjilin.

"O Allah, relieve us, O Allah, relieve us, O Allah, relieve us."
اللّهُمَّ أغِثْنـا، اللّهُمَّ أغِثْنـا، اللّهُمَّ أغِثْنـا

Allâhumma aghithnâ ! Allâhumma aghithnâ ! Allâhumma aghithnâ !

"O Allah, provide water for Your servants and Your cattle, spread out Your mercy and resurrect Your dead land."
اللّهُمَّ اسْقِ عِبادَكَ وَبَهـائِمَك، وَانْشُـرْ رَحْمَـتَكَ وَأَحْيِي بَلَـدَكَ المَيِّـت
Allâhumma sqi cibâdaka wa bahâ'imaka. Wa bshur rahmataka, wa ahyi baladaka-l-mayyita.
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Irfan Rydhan

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