Saturday 8 February 2014

Mawlid al-Mustafa Today at SBIA | No Registration or Tickets Required

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From: Irfan Rydhan <>
Date: Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 11:18 PM
Subject: [] Fwd: Mawlid al-Mustafa Today at SBIA | No Registration or Tickets Required
To: SBIA Media Group <>



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Mawlid al-Mustafa 

With Imam Tahir Anwar, Shaykh Yasir Chadly and Shaykh Alaeddin ElBakri
 Today!  Saturday, January 25th | 3:30pm | 2345 Harris Way, San Jose

No Registration or Tickets Required

3:30PM Salat al Asr

Recitations by the children of San Jose Islamic School
Arabic Mawlid recitation with Sh. Yasir Chadly

5:23PM Salat al Maghrib
Naat recitation by Qadri brothers, Bay Area Munshidoon, and others

8:30PM Salat al Isha
Salat & Salaam

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