Wednesday 2 October 2013


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Date: Aug 14, 2013 5:22 AM
Subject: [Yaadein_Meri] NEVER FEEL ALONE
To: "" <>



For those in need; help them
So they don't feel alone in this sometimes evil and sick world we live in
No one deserves to go live a life alone or feel like they're by themselves,
Because as a team, any group of people can fight on through this,
And with love they will prosper through these dark and critical times
Let people have someone to lean on, something that will help them moving forward
And help them return to comfort; so someone can comfortably live their life
Give them something to strive for and look towards,
Because with a set of goals it can give one's life meaning
It can give a lost soul some direction
And with love and determination, we can get through this phase of testing,
Tests that will forever help mold us as people; difficult times will be our defining moments
And I know those that have lost or feel hopeless may not see this,
But there's hope, there's life; somehow, someway we'll find positivity through these trying times
I don't know what, I wish I did, but I feel this in my heart, everything has a bright, silver lining
And these trial and tribulations are simply a portion of this wild phenomenon we call life
So since we only have one life to live, why not put it to good use?
And be someone's hero, someone's savior, someone's friend, someone's truest love,
Because you too, will feel fulfilled by saving another, by being there for them and being true


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