Sunday 29 September 2013

Pakistani Press Clarion Call- Wake Up Pakistan- National Security At Stake

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From: "Briglatif" <>
Date: Sep 21, 2013 5:10 AM
Subject: Pakistani Press Clarion Call- Wake Up Pakistan- National Security At Stake

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Date: 18 September 2013 10:57:59 AM GMT+05:00
Subject: FW: Clarion Call- Wake Up Pakistan- National Security At Stake

These senior General Officers' comments hereunder, are worth taking note of.
They are not only true, but I find many more retired officers of all three services also sharing these views. The serving officers are quiet, but seething with anger. 
Only yesterday, CJP who had declared 'hearing' for Quetta's terror attacks of last month, forgot about the deaths of near 100 persons and got locked on "missing Persons'. He made IGFC, a serving Major General sit in court for hours demanding, the missing persons be produced. Judiciary is not only challenging Executive Branch but also military and behaving like a sacred cow, intimidating thru 'contempt notices'.
If the politicians and Judges do not realize what they are doing, disaster will not be averted. Pakistan is being pushed towards becoming another Lybia by world powers, and politicians, judiciary and media, even some segments of civil society , wittingly or perhaps unwittingly are helping them.

Subject: Fwd: Clarion Call-
From: javedaq
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 02:19:26 +0200

  Let us look back into earlier years after our independence specially the decade of Sixties.  One sees a Pakistan which was the envy of other newly independent states. It was respected. It was progressive and it was developing fast. New industries were coming up everyday . The nation had a future. People were religious but all sects lived happily together. No one had any bias or was discriminated due to cast creed, sect or religion. During 1965 war, some of our best Generals were Ahmadis. A Christian called Cecil was flying our fighter plane and shooting down the Indian intruders. We were a proud and happy nation. There was no terrorism or extremism. One was proud of being a Pakistani. Our generation is lucky to have seen it all. 


Our generation is also the one which has wasted it all. We have seen the country go down in all respects. We have seen the neighbors start hating and killing in the name of religion. We have seen corruption and nepotism become respectable. We have seen all our national institutions like the proud PIA, Steel Mill and the Railway all become bankrupt. We have seen the industrialization come to a virtual halt. We are seeing Pakistan sink into darkness not only due to shortage of electricity but also ignorance, illiteracy and bigotry. Is anyone,s life safe today . We have seen the nation become international beggars of the worst kind . A handful have become dirty rich while the majority have sunk below the poverty line. We have hoisted on our selves the thieves and carpet baggers of the worst kind as our leaders through our democracy which is the route to loot.

                                          WHAT NOW


No 1: See the country sink and disintegrate. No future for us or our next generations. Ashamed of having frittered away our bright future at the alter of democracy of the illiterates and corrupt political thieves with religion being used to hasten up the demise of Quaid,s Pakistan . 

The Army which defended the country so bravely and having sworn to defend the country from external and internal threats now sitting timidly and watching the approaching death in the posture of a rabbit. Not realizing that the storm will not go away. 

If the life of our Generals has become so cheap and vulnerable, as was the case of Gen Sanaullah Niazi, who else is safe when the state has surrendered before the terrorists with an exalted status of stake holders?

No 2: Our second option is to wake up. Put politics aside. Unite to defeat this threat. Let the religion guide our private lives according to our sectarian beliefs. Let all religions live in harmony and fight together to bring back the happy times to Pakistan. 

Let the Army lead from front in this fight for survival. Let the political and judicial leadership understand the threat and lend full support to the Army rather then witch hunting our military. Personal grudges and vengeance will only weaken the state. If this does not happen we will destroy ourselves. Let us not let Pakistan die.

Those who are reluctant to join the fight for survival should be thrown into the dust bin of history.

Subject: Clarion Call

The Following has been received from another worried ex soldier.

         After my first mail on the subject,some of my friends objected and differed with the hidden warning,the looming threat and the dooms day scenario, which awaits us, if we do not put our act together. A complete picture about the future is impossible to be painted. You pick up indicaters here and there, then you go through the process, what is taught in the Intelligence courses; Collection,Collation,Evaluation,Collaboration and Interpretation,and then try to form a mosaic. 

If we don't want to register these indicators and live in the world of our own, then its a recipe for disaster. When nations face challenges like the one we have at hand, then following factors detrermine how the nation is giong to tackle the situation and either get destroyed or come out victorious. These are:-

       a. Leadership. Have a look at the leadership at the helms. On 23 August 2013, those terrorist, who had attacked GHQ and killed senior army officers  were to be hanged; after all mercy petitions etc had been rejected. Around  12 or 13 August, a statement was in the newspapers that TTp has declared that hanging these people will be  taken as an act of war' and this time, they will take out the senior leadreship of PML(N) at the province and federal level. Thats was it. On one pretext or the other, no hanging took place and now, they alongwith all convicted criminals will never be punished.
        b. Writ Of The Government. This is another indicator, specailly dealing with Talibans. I dare the Govt to post    out( not from the city but with in the same city) a Grade-16 employ of Ministry Of Religious Affairs. I mean post out Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid to another mosque, which is very much with in the rights of the Government.  See what happens then.

          c. Will To Fight. I very sincerely pray to Allah that I am wrong in what I am going to write on this. Due to media,pseudo intellectuals of so called Civil Soceity and above all, the Corrupt Judicairy, army bashing has started showing its effects. The case in point is the incident of D I K Jail attack. As per the news papers, Intelligence agencies had  provided absolut information about the impending attack. So much so that the Brigade Commander in DIK even went to the Jail and      inspected the security arrangements. When the time came, no one took any action. WHY ME WHEN THE NATION DOESNT WANT THIS. I hope not this attitude.

          d. Negotiations. Respectable peace is always between the two equal partners. Has the TTp been brought to its knees that they should ask for talks,or its our compulsion now? A question which will give you many answers.. 
         e.  Media. Hamid Mir is a traitor and so is Salim Safi, a new entrant.

          f. Judicaiary. Lesser said better it is. Lets not talk about Arsalan Affair or the letter by Naeem Bukhari, or the open challenges being hurled at the CJ by Faisal Abidi. When you try and ridicule people, who lay their lives for restoring peace and tranquility and  take on those who challenge the writ of the Govt, then what happensread the last Para below.
          g. Lest You Forget.  A picture is better than 1000 words.  The other day ,while travelling from Iaslamabad to Rawalpind, I encountered a rally by Daff-e-Pakistan. There were hooligans from Madrassa on the road. There  was such a terror which can not be explained. Just see below. This was 2007,and now its                      
2013. Has TTp gone weak and the Govt gained its writ or otherwise. If it happened then, who can stop it happening now; Just see and realise what is awaitng you. .......!








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