Wednesday, 5 June 2013

✿~✿ Repentance (Taubah) ✿~✿

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 2:27 AM, Rubina Yasmeen <> wrote:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmath Ullahi Wa Barkatahu




Repentance (Taubah)



Almighty Allah states in the Qur'an

O Believers ! Turn towards Allah's Presence in perfect and most sincere repentance.

 Your Lord will certainly remove your sins from you and admit you to the Gardens with streams flowing under them.


{Chapter 66: Verse 8}

And that you should seek forgiveness from your Lord, then submit your repentance before Him (with true heart).


 He will keep you glad and gratified with an


excellent provision till an appointed term,


and will reward for merit everyone enjoying me


(i.e. will bestow reward and ranks corresponding to


 one's amount of righteous deeds and dedicated services).


 And if you turn away, then I fear for you the


 torment of a Mighty Day.


 {Surah Hud Chpater 11 : Verse 3}



What is Repentance ?


A Hadith states,

Regret is repentance


Sunan Ibn-e-Maja,Hadith 4252,V4 P492 }

Remorse(nadamah) is the turning of the


heart,in sorrow and regret,away from


something which the servant has


committed,and which angers Almighty


Allah,such as sins or the neglect of


obligatory acts.It may also occur following


an excessive involvement in permissible


pleasures or the neglect of supererogatory


devotions.A sincere remorse is one which


leads to persevering in earnest,And


Avoiding neglectfulness.When sound,it


includes Nearly All The Conditions Of


Repentance-Tawba which is why


The Prophet (PBUH) Has Said,May


Blessings And Peace Be upon Him:


              'Remorse is repentance'.

Those Who Are Remorseful About their


Misbehaviour,But Still persist in it,Are


Only jesting,And their Remorse will not


Avail Them.Seeking Forgiveness-istighfar


means asking Almighty Allah To forgive,


Which in Turn means His concealing the


misdeed [from the eyes of others] .


When Almighty Allah,By His Grace,Forgives


A Sin,He neither exposes its doer to shame,


nor punishes him for it,Whether in this


world or in the next.The highest kind of


forgiveness is for Almighty Allahto place a


veil,A Barrier,Between the servant and


sins,Until it is as though he were free of them.



What Are The Conditions Of True Repentance ?

Almighty Allah accepts repentance if it is


sincere(If the sinner includes regret


(nadam)for what was done and resolve


(azm)not to do it again.If you commit a


sin,then think of it as bad.You should feel


ashamed of committing the sin.Convince


yourself and be committed that you will not


do this sin ever again.Add to this,feeling of


remorse and shame together with a firm


intention never to repeat the sin.The origin


of repentance is turning towards Allah.


It has four conditions: 


(1) Acceptance of having committed the sin, 


(2)Regret and

(3) Intention to stop. 

(4) If the sin requires compensation,then


this is compulsory.For example,A Person


who has mised any salah must Do Qada.


And If The sin involves another person,


the person who has sinned must fix the


wrong that he or she has done to someone.


 If we have said bad things,slandered


someone or backbit someone or stolen from


 or hurt another in any way, we have to


 ask the person who is wronged for


forgiveness if possible,


 or somehow reverse the harm.



      Repentance of Sinner from Bani Israel 

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Radi Allah Anhu)


reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu-


alleihi-wasallam) as saying:


 "There was a person before you who had


killed ninety-nine persons and then made


 an inquiry about the learned persons of


the world (who could show him the way to


 salvation). He was directed to a monk.


He came to him and told him that he had


 killed ninety-nine persons and asked him


 whether there was any scope for his


repentance to be accepted.


He said: No. He killed him also and thus


completed one hundred.


He then asked about the learned persons


of the earth and he was directed to a


scholar, and he told him that he had killed


one hundred persons and asked him


whether there was any scope for his


repentance to be accepted. He said:


 "Yes; what stands between you and the




You better go to such and such land; there


are people devoted to prayer and worship


and you also worship along with them and


do not come to the land of yours since it was


an evil land (for you)."



So he went away and he had hardly


covered half the distance when death came


to him and there was a dispute between


the angels of mercy and the angels of


punishment. The angels of mercy said:


"This man has come as a penitent and remorseful to Allah"


and the angels of punishment said:


"He has done no good at all.


"Then there came another angel in the


form of a human being in order to decide


between them. He said: You measure the


land to which he has drawn near. They


measured it and found him nearer to the


land where he intended to go (the land of piety),


and so the angels of mercy took possession of it. 


[Sahih Muslim : Book 37,


Book Name Kitab Al-Tauba Number 6662]



Dua of Repentance from Quran


... 'O our Lord! We have wronged our souls.


And if You do not forgive us and have mercy


on us, we shall certainly be among the




{Surah A'raf Chapter 7 : Verse 23}





Rembr Me In Ur Prayers


Mrs Rubina Yasmeen








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