Thursday 14 March 2013


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Zaheer Bawany <> wrote:

--- On Tue, 3/12/13, Muzafferuddin ahmed <> wrote:

Is Pope Benedict XVI now a Muslim?

Lagos : Nigeria | Mar 08, 2013 at 1:05 AM PST
VIEWS: 9,899
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Pope Benedict XVI  and a Muslim cleric
Pope Benedict XVI receiving a copy of the holy Koran from a Muslim cleric
Pope Benedict's butler accuses Vatican police of inhumane treatment


Is Pope Benedict XVI now a Muslim? This is the big question that is generating reactions across the globe.

Goggle posted a speech delivered by the pope and the world is restive, reactive and on fire, so to brings you the post:

HOLY SEE – In a shocking press conference Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI revealed to the world that he will be stepping down from the Catholic Church's highest office.

"Through prayer and reflection over the past years," the world's holiest man began, "I've realized that Allah is the one true God."

Amid clattering camera shutters and roaring reporters, Pope Benedict patiently answered questions, citing traditional Muslim folklore as well as passages from the Qur'an to explain his decision.

His session was interrupted only once, when he swiveled South-East to face Mecca, stooped to the ground, and recited the Asr, one of the five daily prayers central to Muslim belief.

The startling reversal comes as a shock to many familiar with the Pope's policies on Islam. "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached," the Bishop of the Vatican famously said of Islam in his 2006 lecture Faith, Reason and the University—Memories and Reflections.

When asked about the quote, Pope Benedict sighed with good-humored remorse and chuckled quietly to himself: "Yeah I've regretted that for some time. But I was young and naïve… I see things much clearer now.

Besides, I've always kinda liked the thought of having a sword. The Cardinals were a real pain on that one."

When asked whether he would be reverting to his born name, Pope Benedict enthusiastically interjected. "I've decided to change my name to Sajjad Sayyid Ratzinger,"

His Ex-Holiness explained. "I'm keeping my surname purely for logistical reasons, so my Facebook friends and Twitter followers won't be confused."

His transition hasn't been without opposition. Hours after the press conference, a special Fox and Friends segment aired on FOXNEWS, featuring a picture of the Pope photoshopped to include stereotypical Islāmic features, including: a turban in place of his mitre, darkened complexion, black hair, and Arabic letters spelling out an endorsement of Barack Hussein Obama tattooed across his chest.

Beneath the picture, the panel discussed the possible involvement of Pope Benedict XVI, 85, in 9/11. The segment's title, "The Holy Heathen," emblazoned the lower left corner of the screen.

This morning, newspapers nationwide featured an editorial by Bill O'Reilly detailing the parallels between the Pope's "betrayal of God-loving Christians everywhere" with the "betrayal of the American people and the Constitution by Benedict Arnold, his liberal agenda, and his radical left-wing entourage."

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:52 AM, Muzafferuddin ahmed <> wrote:

21 - Citing Waq`at Şiffīn as a Sunnī Text

Published by SunniDefense © on January 14th, 2010 in Misattributions
Answering-Ansar Article:
Mu'awiya (Revision: 4.0.0)

Another one of the non-Sunnī texts deceitfully passed off by Answering-Ansar as "texts Ahl'ul Sunnah" on unwary Muslims is Waq`at Şiffīn.


The Answering-Ansar team writes while citing a narration with a lengthy list of texts in their article titled 'Mu'awiya':


Quoting Answering-Ansar:

We will cite this Prophetic Hadeeth from the following esteemed Sunni works:


1.     Mizan al-Itidal Volume 2 page 17; Volume 2 page 129 on the authority of Abu Said al Khudri; Volume 7 page 324 and Volume 8 page 74

2.     al Bidayah wa al Nihaya Volume 8 page 133 Dhikr Mu'awiya

3.     Kunzul Haqaiq page 18 Volume 1

4.     Tatheer al Janaan, columm on Sawaiqh al Muhriqa page 62

5.     Al Nasa al Kifaya page 35

6.     Maqatil al Husayn, page 175

7.     Tareekh Tabari, Volume 13 the events of 284 Hijri, the rule of Banu Ummayya

8.     Tahdeeb al Tahdeeb, Volume 5 page 110 Dhikr Ubada bin Yaqoob

9.     Tareekh al Baghdad, Volume 12 page 181 Dhikr bin Ubayd

10.  Tabaqat by Ibn Sad, Volume 4 page 134-135

11.  al Kamil fi Safa al Rijal, Volume 2 page 146 hadith number 343,

12.  Ansab al Ashraf, Volume 5 page 136,

13.  Waq'at Sifeen, page 216 and 221

Mu'awiya, page 59


In the next chapter of the same article, they mention the work again as:


Quoting Answering-Ansar:

This sermon of Imam 'Ali was said at Sifeen and can be located in the followingtexts of Ahl'ul Sunnah - Waq'at Sifeen page 314, Jamarth Khattab al Arab Volume 1 page 353, Sharh Ibn al Hadeed Volume 5 page 245

"I made a promise with Rasulullah (s) that I shall never forego. Your enemies are approaching, you should know that their leader is a hypocrite son of a hypocrite. He is inviting his supporters to Hell Fire while you have the cousin of Rasulullah (s) in your midst, as you know, no one else performed Salat with Rasulullah (s) before me. I am from amongst the participants of Badr while Mu'awiya is the freed captive, son of a freed captive. By Allah! We are on the path of truth whilst Mu'awiya is on the path of falsehood".

Mu'awiya, page 98


As it is clear from the above, the Answering-Ansar team claims that Waq`at Şiffīn is an "esteemed Sunni" text and cites it during argumentation with Sunnīs.  By doing this, of course, they deceive their readers into thinking that this is a text accepted by Sunnīs and thus it is a proof against them.


The truth, however, is that Waq`at Şiffīn is a work of Naşr ibn Muzāĥim ibn Sayyār al-`Aţţār al-Minqarī al-Kūfī (d. 212), a known extremist Shī`ī. He has been described by Sunnīs as someone who is incredibly detested and an unreliable Shī`ī, much less a Sunnī whose work is "esteemed" according to them.


The Sunnī scholar and biographer, Shams al-Dīn al-Dhahabī (d.748), states in his work on criticized narrators known as Mīzān al-I`tidāl:


نصر بن مزاحم الكوفي عن قيس بن الربيع وطبقته رافضي جلد تركوه مات سنة اثنتي عشرة ومائتين حدث عنه نوح بن حبيب وأبو سعيد الأشج وجماعة قال العقيلي شيعي في حديثه اضطراب وخطأ كثير وقال أبو خيثمة كان كذابا وقال أبو حاتم واهي الحديث متروك وقال الدارقطني ضعيف


"Naşr ibn Muzāĥim al-Kūfī: He narrated from Qays ibn al-Rabī` and (others of) his category. He is an extremist Rāfiđī, and discarded. He died in the year two hundred and twelve. Nūĥ ibn al-Ĥabīb, Abū Sa`īd al-Ashajj, and a group related narrations from him. al-`Uqaylī said: 'AShī`ī; there are many inconsistencies and errors in his narrations.' AbūKhaythama said: 'He was a liar!' Abū Ĥātim said: 'He is flimsy in his narrations; discarded' and al-Dāraquţnī said: 'He is weak.'"


·         Mīzān al-I`tidāl fī Naqd al-Rijāl, of Shams al-Dīn al-Dhahabī (d. 748), volume 4, page 253-254 [Beirut]


On the other hand, one finds that Ithnā' `Asharī scholars count this very same Naşr among their noteworthy Shī`ī figures and predecessors.


The renowned Shī`ī scholar and expert in the field of narrators, Abū al-`Abbās al-Najāshī (d. 450), states:


نصر بن مزاحم المنقري العطار أبو المفضل كوفي مستقيم الطريقة صالح الامر غير أنه يروي عن الضعفاء كتبه حسان


"Naşr ibn Muzāĥim al-Minqarī al-`Aţţār, Abū al-Mufađđal: A Kūfī, on the straight path and following the pious way; other than that he relates from weak narrators. His books are good."


·         al-Fihrist Asmā' Muşannifī al-Shī`a [Rijāl al-Najāshī], of Abū al-`Abbās al-Najāshī (d. 450), page 427-428 [Qum]


Āyat Allāh Ja`far al-Subĥānī, a contemporary Ithnā' `Asharī intellectual and scholar, lists him in the following manner while mentioning "the elite of the Shī`a" in relating the biography of the Prophet (saws):


إمام علماء الاخبار والمغازي نصر بن مزاحم تتلمذ على لوط بن يحيى أبى مخنف وأنثى عليه النجاشي وشيخ الطائفة وأورد فهرس كتبه فراجع


"Imām of the scholars of reports and chronicles of battles, Naşr ibn Muzāĥim: He learnt under Lūţ ibn Yaĥyá Abū Mikhnaf, al-Najāshī praised him and Shaykh al-Ţā'ifa [al-Ţūsī] indexed his booksso refer (to it)."


·         Kashf al-Ghumma fī Ma`rifat al-A'imma {Introduction}, of Ja`far al-Subĥānī, volume 1, page  [Beirut]


While another Āyat Allāh al-Sayyid Murtađá al-Abţaĥī writes about him in the footnotes of his book, al-Shī`a fī Aĥādīth al-Farīqayn:


هو أبو الفضل نصر بن مزاحم بن سيار المنقري المؤرخ الشيعي الثقة المعروف له كتب تاريخية روائية منها وقعة الصفين


"He is Abū al-Fađl Naşr ibn Muzāĥim ibn Sayyār al-Minqarī, the known and trustworthy Shī`ī historian. He authored several historical and narrative books, which include Waq`at al-Şiffīn."


·         al-Shī`a fī Aĥādīth al-Farīqayn Nash'atuhum wa Fađā'iluhum waKhaşā'isuhum, of al-Sayyid Mustađá al-Abţaĥī, page 162 [Qum]


It can clearly be witnessed from the above that the author of Waq`at Şiffīn, Naşr ibn Muzāĥim, is actually a Shī`ī who has been condemned and rejected by Sunnīs and acclaimed by Shī`īIthnā' `Asharīs as their own.


What else can it be then but a lie to say that his writings are "esteemed Sunni works"?


Knowingly Citing Waq`at Şiffīn as a Sunnī Text


The most enlightening of facts in all of this, though, is that the Answering-Ansar team doesknow that Naşr ibn Muzāĥim is considered an extremist Shī`ī and condemned by the Sunnīs.


It is mentioned in the 2nd revised edition of their article entitled 'Who really killed Uthman?':


Quoting Answering-Ansar:

Interestingly Abu Sulaiman seeks to deny that Aisha had ever used such language against Uthman by deviously quoting as follows:

Ansar.Org stated:

This story was narrated by Nasr bin Muzahim. Al-Aqeeli says about Nasr bin Muzahim, "He tends to be a Shi'a, and his narrations are filled with confusions and mistakes." [Al-Du'afa by Al-Aqeeli, vol.4, p.300, #. 1899]. Al-Thahabi says about him, "A hardcore Rafidhi (Shi'a), and his narrations are not taken as authentic. Abu Khaythamah said, 'He was a liar.' Abu Hatim said, 'Weak narrator, and is not taken as an argument.' Al-Darqutni said, 'His narrations are weak.' " [Al-Mizan by Al-Thahabi, vol.4, p.253, #. 9046]. "Al-Jowzani said, 'Nasr was a fake person and far away from truth.' Salih bin Muhamed said, 'Nasr bin Muzahim narrated ugly stories from unreliable narrators.' Al-Hafudh Abi Al-Fath Muhamed bin Al-Hussain said, 'Nasr bin Muzahim goes excess in his denomination.'" [Tareekh Baghdad by Al-Baghdadi, vol.13, p.283].

We should point out that Abu Sulaiman fails to cite WHICH TEXT contains the name of Nasr bin Muzahim! Aisha's takfeer against Uthman is not just restricted to Nasr bin Muzahim, the classical Sunni scholars who have narrated from various chains!

Who really killed Uthman?, page 54-56


The above confirms that the Answering-Ansar team is fully aware of who is Naşr ibn Muzāĥim. Despite of this, they repeatedly cite it as an authoritative Sunnī text in their other articles.


Can the Answering-Ansar team inform their readers of why they cite Waq`at Şiffīn as an "esteemed" Sunnī text when they even realize that its author is a Rāfiđī according toSunnīs?


The readers of Answering-Ansar should ask this question to the Answering-Ansar team and themselves, and then see the truth unfold on their own. If they indeed seek the truth, then they will undoubtedly agree to the obvious fact that the Answering-Ansar team does deceptively misattribute non-Sunnī texts to the Sunnīs to strengthen their arguments.


It is only Allah (swt) who gives success, and blessings and peace be on the Seal of the Prophets, his Pure Progeny and his Noble Companions


♦        ♦        ♦


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